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How To Eat A Plant-Based Diet Without Giving Up Meat Entirely

A plant-based diet is associated with longer life expectancy, it’s good for the environment, and it’s good for you. Basically, a plant-based diet is the cure-all fad diet that’s not a fad at all. And, unlike a fad diet, you don’t have to completely annihilate your current eating habits. Instead, try making these small changes to your routine and grocery list. […]

The Ultimate Exercise Sequence To Eliminate Lower Back Pain

Unfortunately, many of us are familiar with the perils of lower back pain. Research suggests that at least 80% of working-age people will encounter non specific lower back pain at least once in their lives. Individuals with a sedentary lifestyle are especially at risk, as continuous pressure on the area and weakened lumbar muscles take their toll. […]

Exercising With A Face Mask Is Necessary. Here’s How To Make It Less Annoying.

‍Summer is officially here, and in many places, so is the summertime heat. We can be honest: wearing a mask in public spaces was already a mild annoyance, and the summer heat only makes it more burdensome—but we can’t stop now. The Center for Disease Control still recommends wearing a mask to avoid spreading COVID-19 through the air, and during exercise we release even more respiratory droplets than we normally would. This means that we should be wearing a mask in the parks, paths, sidewalks, and especially if we’re back at a shared indoor gym. […]