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How To Create A Workout Playlist That Improves Performance

Listening to music during exercise makes the whole experience more pleasant and improves performance. Studies show that music significantly increases the length of a workout, distracts from pain and boosts mood, and even changes how efficiently our bodies work. All the evidence exists, but many of us already know this to be true, we can feel the energy every time we put on a pair of headphones. […]

Do Wearable Fitness Trackers Motivate Us To Move More? Here’s The Research. 

It’s no secret that many of us don’t get as much physical activity as we should. Global health statistics report that 31% of the overall adult population has insufficient physical activity levels, and that number is even higher in the Americas, with 43% of adults coming up short. These statistics pose an inevitable question—how do we change our behavior? Human motivation is a tricky subject, but many researchers point to wearable fitness trackers as one possible site of intervention. […]

How To Form Healthy Habits To Accomplish Your Long Term Goals

Research shows that the best way to align our long term goals with our short term behaviors is by forming good habits. Habits make the actions necessary to reach our goal feel almost effortless, and that’s how we get to where we want to be.
The most common mistake people make when setting a big goal—like losing weight, eating healthier, or working out more regularly—is trying to accomplish too much at once and losing steam quickly. Forming positive habits is the solution to this problem, but it is easier said than done. […]

Stay Energized All Day By Forming These Energy Boosting Habits

Whatever your work life looks like right now, no one is immune to a little afternoon drowsiness. It can happen at any time, you’re chugging along and suddenly you feel like you need to chug a coffee instead. But the instant relief from that coffee buzz could prevent you from a restful night’s sleep later on, and so begins a vicious cycle of unrest. […]