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How To Practice Financial Self-Care In The Year 2020 (And Beyond)

According to the American Psychological Association, at least 62% of Americans report feeling stressed about their finances. This is data from a study conducted in 2017, before we had any idea how many layers of stress were right around the corner in 2020. In today’s anxiety-inducing climate, it’s time to #TakeCare and eliminate excess stress from our lives. One of the most underrated ways to practice self-care is by reducing financial stress—and it’s easier than it sounds. […]

ASMR Is The At Home Self-Care Technique You Haven’t Tried Yet 

The fact that “self-care” is the most searched term on Google indicates that many of us are on the hunt for new relaxation techniques. We need methods that are quick, effective, inexpensive, and can be done at home. ASMR videos check all those boxes, but it might be the one thing you haven’t tried, or maybe even heard of.  […]

Self-Care Is More Than Skin Deep—It’s About Making Healthy Choices

When you think about self-care, it’s likely that a candlelit bubble bath comes to mind. Maybe a face mask, or a mani/pedi. These are the images we typically see in the media and advertising, but self-care is actually about so much more. Self-care isn’t just for beauty and relaxation, it’s about making healthy choices in our daily lives. It’s about setting ourselves up for success. […]

Practice Breathing Better To Reduce Stress And Improve Mood

While breathing has certainly been discussed more seriously since the COVID-19 pandemic hit in full force, many of us still move through our days without a thought about the some 25,000 breaths we’re taking. But maybe we should be paying closer attention. Studies show that the way we breathe can affect everything from our weight, to our mood, to our athletic performance, and so much in between. […]